Thursday, January 18, 2007

Life goes on...

Well-- Here I am again. I guess I should keep blogging. I did get better from my sickness and then my hubby got it (hehe). Poor thing...he is a good dad to our boys.

A little background on Zachary (our youngest hatchling). He did some print modeling last year. He was in the Lands End catalog for the Spring 2006 catalog. It was really exciting and then ...nothing. He went to like 3-4 more auditions and nothing. I started working part time and then full time last summer and he went into retirement because I just didn't have the time to take him to auditions. His agent did call a couple of times for auditions but we just didn't show up. The auditions are in West L.A. or Santa Monica at the worst times at 2pm-4pm. Talk about traffic! We live about 40 minutes East of L.A. Can you imagine!

So anyway- his agent calls me out-of-the-blue last night all excited about an audition today for Cheerios. It will be for the English and Spanish markets and a print ad. She said she has really good feeling about this for Zach. Well, I told her that I don't have any updated pictures of him (you have to have that -- the kids must have updated photos) but she said not to worry about it. She went on and on. So I said okay...we would go...of course, it's in L.A. at 5pm!!! Hello! I also realized that his work permit is expired. So if he does get the gig (which is like one in a million)...I will have to run down the Dept of Labor and get a work permit in like a day. They start filiming next week.

Anyhoo- I have been staying up waayyyyyy too late to watch season 5 of "24" on DVD after American Idol. Totally addicting. I have been going to bed late and not taking my supplements. Not good.

Bye, all! I will let you know what happens with the one-in-a-million audition....I hope it's not a waste of time going all the way down there and having to come back in traffic...oy! Thankfully, my mom is going with me...which helps.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Life with Zachary

Well, my sis had to work late so I was stuck with my own children. Can you believe that? My hubby went to a retirement party for a co-worker right after work. He called and asked how everything was going while he was on his way to his RCIA class after the party. I told him that I was still sick and that my loving sister wasn't able to make it. I asked if he HAD to go to class and he said "yes". He was teaching on the bible readings for this Sunday's mass. Okay--- he could have just taken the night off and told them that he had sick(o) wife. He's not the only teacher. There is like four of them. Whatever...

I took the kids to Souplantation for dinner. Wow, Zach was loud. Nick was getting embarrased. Zach proceeded to scream and exclaim "poo-poo" for all to hear. Don't eat the chocolate pudding yet, folks! Zach didn't even eat...he just sucked down some Sprite and apple juice (two things that I never let him have). I had to eat with one hand and with the other hand I had to sturdy the glass of Sprite for him. Man, Zach never lets life get boring.

I have been taking out all my frustration on Nick. Poor Nick. I have even been yelling at him which I never let myself do unless I'm in this funk.

Oppps...gotta crutch is home finally!

Me Again...

I woke up feeling bad...I went to bed early last night due to my self-proclaimed pneumonia and still didn't fall asleep until 10:30pm or so. Then I wake up to find out the Burberry purse that I so happily listed on Ebay was taken off due to copyright infringment. I was really upset about that. I plan to relist the purse in protest.

I did go to the doctor this morning ready to hear about the pneumonia that I have and how I should rest more and take an antibiotic. I have a cold. Whatever...

In celebration of being not as sick-as-I-thought, I am drinking coffee and eating Nutter Butters.

The house is still a mess and I will break down and take a shower today. My hubby has to go to a RCIA class that he teaches at his Catholic church tonight. It's for adults who are coming into or back to the Catholic faith. He is still going even though he knows that I am ill. No compassion for the sick. He expects me to take care of 2 boys while he goes. Well, I called my sister and , ha!, she going to come over and help. I plan to lay in bed and play dead while she is here.

Anyway- all for now...I guess I have to work now. Ugh!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Sick again!!

Hi All-

This is the first blog of my entire life....36 years later I finally accomplish something. As I sit here, I have a cold again...My almost two year-old is eating Life cereal in his highchair while he soaks in all that PBS Kids has to offer. My hubby, of 10 years, and my 7 year-old (you do the math) is at the video store. I am anxiously awaiting their return so that I may go pass out on the bed.

I work from home as an Account Manager for an Employee Benefits brokerage. Real exciting stuff...but it pays well. I had to work today and watch my youngest son along with picking up my eldest from school just to hear him complain about how much homework he has. Life can't get any better (hmhehmhe). Anyway-- the house is a complete mess and I am wearing the same skirt for 3 days. I needed to take a shower today but who cares...

At least my little one will be going to the babysitter tomorrow so I can catch up on rest and the guilt about the house being so messy. Well, actually, there is a pile of (what was once clean) clothes in the floor that has not grown into a small mountain of clothes.

Anyway--I am hosting a JAFRA party this Saturday and, at this point, I could care less about it. I have been, unfortunatley , waking up every few hours at night. This started last Thursday. Thankfully, I did sleep better last night so I could somewhat function today.

Well, gotta sign youngest is bading my attention. Bye!